Loss of a Brave Journalist
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Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji’un
Our Deepest Condolences for the Loss of a Brave Journalist
Ahlam courageously documented the genocide in north Gaza, residing in the Indonesia Hospital during its siege, taking evidence of war crimes and bearing witness to tell the story with her pictures and her words, many of which we shared with you here
She was murdered on this bloody day by the IOF as she was walking to Al Shifa hospital
The last message of Martyr Ahlam Al Nafed
This is my duty to document all the attacks we are exposed to inside and outside the hospital so that the world can see the destruction we are exposed to by the occupation. And that we are innocent and not terrorists.
We hope to God that the war will end, and that our message will reach the whole world about the injustice, destruction and genocide to which innocent people are being subjected.
It is true that documentation and photography are a bit dangerous, but we do this so that the world can witness these crimes.
Ini adalah tugas saya untuk mendokumentasikan semua serangan yang kami hadapi di dalam dan luar Rumah Sakit sehingga dunia dapat melihat kehancuran yang kami hadapi akibat penjajahan.
Bahwa kami tidak bersalah dan bukan teroris. Kami berharap kepada Allah agar perang ini berakhir, dan pesan kami akan sampai ke seluruh dunia tentang ketidakadilan, kehancuran, dan genosida yang dialami orang-orang yang tidak bersalah.
Memang benar bahwa dokumentasi video dan foto-foto mengancam jiwa kami, tetapi kami (tetap) melakukannya agar dunia dapat menyaksikan kejahatan ini.