Siaran Pers : MER-C Desak Penjajah Israel Membuka Blokade Bantuan Medis dan Logistik ke Gaza Utara
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Sejak perintah evakuasi paksa yang dikeluarkan oleh penjajah pada awal Oktober 2024, maka seluruh relawan MER-C meninggalkan RS Indonesia dan wilayah Gaza Utara menuju ke posko MER-C di Deir al-Balah, Gaza Tengah.
Hingga kini, pengepungan dan pennyerangan di Gaza Utara terus berlangsung, menargetkan kamp pengungsian warga dan rumah sakit Kamal Adwan yang masih beroperasi. Sedangkan Rumah Sakit Indonesia telah di blokade dengan dipasangnya check point disekitar jalan masuk.
Rakyat palestina yang terluka dan sakit akibat blokade serta penyerangan penjajah juga tidak mendapatkan pertolongan kesehatan yang layak karena rumah sakit telah kehabisan bahan bakar, dirusak sumber oksigen, listrik, dan suplai obat di stop.
Rakyat Palestina lainnya harus berjuang ditengah kondisi kelaparan, risiko penyakit menular karna rusaknya suplai air bersih, sistem limbah, dan musim dingin
Tenaga medis lokal, dengan panggilan kemanusiaan dan rasa tanggung jawab profesional, tetap bertahan memberikan pelayanan kepada pasien yang membutuhkan. Hal ini dilakukan meskipun banyak dari sejawat mereka telah menjadi korban serangan, syahid, terluka, atau ditangkap.
MER-C Indonesia terus berupaya mengirimkan relawan medis dan bantuan kemanusiaan ke Jalur Gaza. Saat ini, sebanyak tujuh relawan yang tergabung dalam Tim EMT MER-C ke-6 masih berada di Gaza City, bertugas di dua rumah sakit, yaitu RS Al Shifa dan Public Aid Hospital.
Tim EMT MER-C ke-6 telah berulang kali mengajukan izin melalui WHO untuk masuk ke wilayah Gaza Utara yang terkepung. Namun hingga kini, penjajah belum memberikan izin bagi tim medis internasional untuk membantu pelayanan di RS Indonesia dan RS Kamal Udwan.
Mempertimbangkan situasi di lapangan khususnya Gaza Utara yang terus memburuk, MER-C Indonesia Mendesak Penjajah Israel untuk:
1. Membuka blokade agar Tim Medis Internasional masuk ke Gaza Utara, khususnya ke RS Indonesia dan RS Kamal Udwan
2. Membuka blokade agar bantuan logistik kemanusiaan masuk ke Gaza Utara;
3. Menghentikan penyerangan terhadap RS Kamal Udwan di Gaza Utara dan membuka blokade terhadap RS Indonesia
4. Menghentikan serangan militer terhadap tenaga kesehatan yang sedang bertugas, dan membebaskan tenaga kesehatan yang ditahan
Komunitas Internasional harus terus
Memberikan tekanan guna menghentikan pembantaian dan membuka blokade Gaza utara oleh penjajah untuk mencegah kematian massal.
Jakarta, 26 November 2024
Press Release
MER-C Urges the Israel Occupation to Open Blockade of Medical Aid and Logistics to Northern Gaza
Since the latest forced evacuation order issued by the occupation in early October 2024, all of the MER-C’s volunteers had left the Indonesia Hospital and any area of Northern Gaza, then headed to the MER-C post centre in Deir al-Balah, the Central of Gaza.
To this day, the siege and attacks in the North of Gaza have continued, targeting refugee camps, and the Kamal Adwan Hospital, which is now still operating. Meanwhile, the Indonesia Hospital has been blockaded with several checkpoints installed at vicinity of the hospital.
Palestinian injured people and sick could not receive proper medical assistance because the hospital has been damaged, and run out of fuel, oxygen sources, and electricity, also the supply of medicine has been stopped, all due to the blockade and attacks by the occupation.
Another displaced person, have to struggle amidst the conditions of hunger, and the risk of infectious diseases due to the damage through the supply of clean water, sewage systems, and winter.
Local medical health workers, with their call to humanity and their sense of professional responsibility, continue to provide services to patients in need. This has been done even though many of their colleagues at work have become victims of attacks, martyrs, injured, or arbitrary detention.
MER-C Indonesia continues striving to send medical volunteers and humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip. Currently, seven volunteers - 5 among them are medical team, still working in two hospital namely Al Shifa Hospital and Public Aid Hospital.
The 6th EMT Team from MER-C has repeatedly applied for permissions through the WHO to enter the besieged Northern Gaza region. However, to this very day, the occupation has not given any permission for an international medical team to assist in services at the Indonesia Hospital and the Kamal Adwan Hospital.
Considering the situation on the ground, especially in the North of Gaza which continues to worsen, MER-C Indonesia urges the Occupation of Israel to:
1. Open the blockade for the International Medical Team to be able to enter and working in the North of Gaza, especially the Indonesia Hospital and Kamal Adwan Hospital.
2. Open the blockade of humanitarian logistical aid and for them to be able to enter the North of Gaza;
3. End all military campaign to health facilities and staffs, and release those who have been detained.
4. End the military attacks towards the on-duty health workers, and release the detained medical personnel.
The international community must continue on putting pressure to stop the massacre, open the blockade of Northern Gaza by the occupation, and prevent the mass killing of civilians.
Jakarta, November 26th, 2024