MER-C is a social humanitarian organisation that focuses in the fields of medical emergency and carries the characters of mandatory, professional, neutral, independent, voluntarily, and high mobility.

MER-C aims to deliver medical assistances for the victims of war, conflicts, extraordinary incidents, natural disasters in Indonesia and abroad.. This organization was established in August 1999 and since has recorded more than 100 humanitarian missions nationally and internationally.

Based on MER-C experience, MER-C decided to establish medical training program named MER-C Training Center (MTC). MTC is part of MER-C Foundation that focuses in the fields of medical emergency training and other medical skill training.


Types of Trainings.

1.    Intermediate Life Support (ILS), certified by PPNI central, with 40-50 participants.

2.    Basic Surgical Skill (BSS), with 30-60 participants

3.    Circumsision lesson for medicine faculty students, with 30-60 participants.

4.    Circumsision and Lipoma lesson for medicine faculty students, with 30-60 participants.

5.    Basic Emergency Training for public, with 20-40 participants.



Target of Programs

1.    Medicine faculty students

2.    Nursing academic students

3.    Paramedics

4.    Nurses

5.    Public


Human Resource of MER-C Training Center

Human resource of MTC is comprised of MER-C medical volunteers


So far, MER-C has delivered its training programs to:

  • Faculty of Medicine, Tarumanegara University, Jakarta
  • Faculty of Medicine, Trisakti University, Jakarta
  • Faculty of Medicine, Atmajaya University, Jakarta
  • Faculty of Medicine, Pelita Harapan University, Jakarta
  • Faculty of Medicine, Muhammadyah University, Jakarta
  • Faculty of Medicine, University of Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran", Jakarta
  • Faculty of Medicine, Christian University Krida Wacana, Jakarta
  • Faculty of Medicine, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta
  • Student Senate of Faculty of Medicine, YARSI University, Jakarta
  • Student Senate of faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, Jakarta
  • Student Senate, faculty of Medicine, Islamic University of Bandung, Bandung
  • Student Senate, faculty of Medicine, Jenderal Achmad Yani University, Bandung


  • The Indonesian National Nurse Associaton in Bogor
  • The Indonesian National Nurse Association in Demak
  • Binawan health academy, East Jakarta
  • Bani Saleh health academy, Bekasi
  • Persada Husada Indonesia health academy
  • Yaspen Nursing academy, east Jakarta
  • RSPAD Gatoto Subroto Nursing academy, Jakarta
  • BINA INSAN nursing academy Jakarta
  • Pasar Rebo nursing academy Jakarta


  • Persahabatan hospital nursing academy, Jakarta
  • Health Department nursing academy, Yogyakarta
  • Raflesia nursing academy, east Jakarta
  • Thamrin nursing academy, east Jakarta
  • The Indonesian National Nurse Association in Surakarta nursing academy
  • Wijayakusuma nursing academy Jakarta
  • Student Senate, Poltekes Jakarta 1, south Jakarta
  • Student Senate, Kimia "17"nursing academy Jakarta
  • Student Senate, Jayakarta nursing academy, east Jakarta
  • Student Senate, YJK nursing academy, Jakarta
  • Student Senate, Muhammadyah nursing academy, Jakarta
  • Student Senate, Faculty of Medicine, Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" nursing academy, Jakarta
  •  Any many others


Contact Person MER-C Training Center:

Mobile phone: 0812 8444 7594

Phone         : 021 - 3159235

Fax             : 021 - 3159256

Email          : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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Indonesia has been hit with a lingering crisis. The growing poor population and the soaring prices of basic needs have made the public to be in difficulty in trying to meet the vital needs, including the need of health services. Meanwhile health has become so costly for the poor.

This will result in an unhealthy generation and it will also impact in the future of the country. The need of health services is bound to be ignored, especially by the poor. Hence it is our duty to work together with elements of the country in order to help the public in accessing health services.

Therefore, MER-C as a medical foundation takes part in delivering health services in natural disaster hit areas, poor areas, conflicted areas, in order to call the public to be involve in caring to the people in these places. Our program includes mass circumsissions, social clinics establishment, health talks etc for the poor.

The program is realized, among others, by collaborating with companies / instances / foundations / schools as donors


Aim of the program

1.       to realize the Indonesian government's "Healthy Indonesia" program.

2.       As part of social attention of a companies/instances/schools to the public.

3.       To form a good image of companies/instances in public.

4.       To activate MER-C human resources.

5.       To fund MER-C's humanitarian missions and operational costs.



  Form of Program

The form of program will subject to the agreement between the donors with MER-C Yankes (Health Services) division. MER-C Yankes division itself serves:

1.       Mass circumsissions with the minimum of 20 participants

2.       Mass Treatment with the minimum of 200 patients.



Time and Venue of Program

Day, time and the venue of the program will subject to the agreement between the donors and MER-C Yankes division.


 Objects of Program

Surrounding people of companies / instances / foundations / schools or the public in general in order to elevate the quality of the nation through the deliverance of health services.

Employees and families of employees in order to elevate the health quality of the people in companies / istances / foundations  /schools



So far, MER-C has worked together with:

  • ExxonMobil Oil Indonesia
  • Mobil Cepu Ltd
  • BRI (The Indonesian People Bank)
  • British Petroleum
  • BII (the Indonesian International Bank)
  • Telkomsel
  • BNI 46 (The Indonesian State Bank)
  • PT. Exspan
  • JP Morgan
  • PT. Arutmin, Bumi Resources
  • Badan Dakwah RS Pusat Pertamina/Islamic Body, Pertamina Central hospital
  • Bapekis Bank Mandiri


  • Annisa Islamic group, Wisma Kodel
  • PT. Fortis Investments
  • PT. Adhimix Precast Indonesia
  • Umar Wirahadikusuma Foundation
  • Masjid Al Azhar
  • Labshool Kebayoran
  • PLN Duren Tiga
  • Pertamina Kramat
  • RNI Jakarta
  • Islamic groups, foundations, education institutions, etc


contact person health services division


Phone            : +62 21 3159235

Fax                : +62 21 3159256

Call Center    : +62 811 99 0176

PIN BB         : 2ABB91D5

Email            : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.





After delivering assistances during emergency period and in order to provide long term benefit to the victims of earthquake in Jogjakarta, MER-C Construction Division established a health facility lcated on Jl.Prambanan Piyungan, Bokoharjo, Sleman. The establishment of the health facility was realized due to the donation of the people of Indonesia and British Petroleum (BP) Indonesia.



On 1 April 2011, Jogjakarta clinic was formally opened. This moment also served as the opening of a health facility, in which its construction had started in 2006. Now locals could receive affordable health services. With the available donation, this facility would be developed gradually.


Afghanistan team 1 - During the war, 29 October - 7 December 2001



Afghanistan team 2 - during the war, 4 May - 12 June 2002



Iraq team - during the war, 1-22 April 2003



Iran team - during earthquake, 1 January - 27 February 2004

South Thailand team - during conflict, 16 - 19 November 2004



kashmir Pakistan team - during earthquake, 13 - 28 October 2005



Nabatiyeh, South Lebanon team - during war, 2 - 13 September 2006



Palestine team 1, during military aggression, 1 January - 3 February 2009

Palestine team 2, during military aggression, 24 January - 8 May 2009

Sudan advance team - for refugees, 22 May - 2 June 2009



Freedom Flotilla advance team - campaign, 24 March - 6 April 2010

Freedom Flotilla team on board "Mavi Marmara" ship - campaign to break the Gaza siege, 19 May - 21 June 2010

Gaza, Palestine team-Indonesia hospital construction, 13 July 2010-...

Pakistan team - during the flood, 27 August - 10 September 2010.

Asia team to Gaza Solidarity Caravan, 8 November 2010 - 8 January 2011



Gaza Construction team - for the construction of Indonesia Hospital in Gaza, Palestine, 20 April - 20 May 2011

Gaza construction team - for the construction of Indonesia Hospital in Gaza, Palestine, 12 - 24 November 2011

Somalia team-for refugee, 4-20 December 2011



Global March to Jerussalem convoy team 1 (Indonesia-Pakistan-Iran-Turkey-Lebanon-Jordan-Jerussalem), 9 March - 8 april 2012

Global March to Jerussalem team 2 (Indonesia - Jordan), 26 March - 4 April 2012.

Construction team-for the construction of Indonesia Hospital in Gaza, Palestine (stage 2), 20 July 2012

Myanmar medical team - during Rakhine and Rohingya conflict, 12 - 19 September 2012

Construction and supervision team - for the construction of Indonesia Hospital in Gaza, Palestine (stage 2) - 21 October 2012



Construction team-for the construction of Indonesia Hospital in Gaza, Palestine (stage 2) - 15 February 2013

Construction Supervision team-for the construction of Indonesia Hospital in Gaza Palestine (stage 2), 15 March 2013

MER-C Surgical team for the Philippines Haiyan typhoon, 22 November - 4 December 2013


University student team of University of Indonesia for Tual, Southeast Maluku - during conflict, August 1999

Ambon team 1 - conflict, 15 August - 21 September 1999

Ambon team 2 - conflict, 21 August - 21 September 1999

Aceh advance team (Aceh team 1) - 26 August - 8 September 1999

Ambon medical supply team - conflict - 13 September 1999

Ambon team to deliver 750 kg formula - 9 November 1999

Ambon Tual, Southeastern Maluku to deliver 700 kg formula - 9 November 1999

Ambon team 3, conflict, 29 November - 12 December 1999



Halmahera team 1 (Galela)- conflict, 6 January - 7 February 2000

Halmahera team 2 (Ternate) - conflict, 14 January - 10 February 2000

Halmahera team 3 (Galela) - conflict, 9 February - 27 March 2000

Joint team with the Health Department of Indonesia (Bacan), 3 March 2000

Halmahera team 4 (Bacan) - conflict, 3 April - 27 May 2000

Halmahera team 5 (Ternate) - conflict, 3 April - 27 May 2000

Ambon team 4 - conflict, 3 May - 7 June 2000

Ambon medical supply team - conflict, 28 May 2000

Poso team 1-conflict, 2 - 23 June 2000

Banggai team - earthquake and tsunami, 2 - 23 June 2000

Bengkulu team - earthquake, 11 - 28 June 2000

Atambua team - flood, 16 - 30 June 2000

Ambon team 5 - conflict, 20 June - 21 July 2000

Saparua team - conflict, 17 - 28 October 2000

Purworejo - floods and landslide, 20 - 27 November 2000

Halmahera team 6 (Bacan) - conflict, 27 November - 21 December 2000

Aceh team 2 - floods , 29 November - 14 December 2000

Padang team - floods, 29 November - 6 December 2000



Sangihe Talaud team - floods, 30 January - 7 February 2001

Ciamis team - floods, 5 - 8 February 2001

Sampit team - conflict, 1 - 8 March 2001

Surabaya team, 8 - 17 March 2001

Sampang team (Madura 1) - for refugee, 21 - 28 April 2001

Sampang team (Madura 2) - cholera outbreak, 29 April - 12 May 2001

Sampang team (Madura 3) - cholera outbreak, 20 - 31 May 2001

Pontianak team - for refugee, 4 - 8 July 2001

Nias team, 3 - 11 August 2001

Poso advance team (Poso 2) - conflict, 2001



Jakarta, Pati, Purworejo, Kebumen, Situbondo - Floods, February - March  2002

Jatinegara team - fire, 13 July 2002

Nunukan team, East Kalimantan - for Indonesian working force, 9 - 15 September 2002

Poso team, Central Sulawesi(Poso 3) - conflict, 14 - 26 September 2002

Simeulue, Aceh team - earthquake, 13 - 16 November 2002

Papandayan, west Java advance team, 18 - 20 November 2002

Tapaktuan, South Aceh team - Floods, 27 November 2002



Cilacap team - floods, 22 January 2003

Flores team - floods and landslide, 5 April 2003

Aceh team - military opertation - May 2003

Bulukumba, South Sulawesi team - conflict, 3 - 8 August 2003

Ternate team - returning foster children, 20 August - 2 September 2003

Bahorok team 1, North Sumatera - floods, 4 - 6 November 2003

Bahorok team 2, North Sumatera - floods, 15- 16 November 2003

Bahorok team 3, North Sumatera - floods, November 2003

Jambi team 3 - floods, 22 - 25 December 2003



South Kalimantan team - floods, 29 December - 3 January 2004

Aceh team - Mediation to free GAM hostages, January 2004

Nabire, Papua team - earthquake, 14-24 February 2004

Padang team - earthquake, 21-28 February 2004

Aceh Singkil team - mass medical service in refugee camp, 26 February - 4 March 2004

Ambon team - conflict, 25 April - 2 May 2004

Salemba team, clash during the release of Ustadz Abu Bakar Ba'ashir, 30 April 2004

Buyat bay, North Sulawesi team, environmental damage, 17 August 2004-2008

Nabire (Papua) team-earthquake, 2-11 December 2004



Aceh team - earthquake and Tsunami, 27 December 2005-

Nias (north Sumatera) team - earthquake, 20 April - 4 May 2005



Yogyakarta team, stand-by for mount Merapi, 15 April 2006

Bantul (Yogyakarta) team-earthquake, 27 May 2006-...

Sinjai (North Sulawesi) team -floods and landslide, 23 June - 9 July 2006

Pangandaran, West Java team, earthquake and tsunami, 18-22 July 2006

Yogyakarta team-typhoon, 2006

Madina, North sumatera team, earthquake, 20-24 December 2006

Langkat, North Sumatera team, floods, 24-30 December 2006

Aceh Tamiang, North Sumatera team-floods, 25-28 December 2006



Jakarta team-floods, 3 February - 15 March 2007

Padang, west Sumatera team-earthquake, 8 March - 4 April 2007

Morowali, Central Sulawesi team-floods and landslide, 25 July-10 August 2007

Yogyakarta team, to evacuate the victims of Garuda airpline airplane accident, 3 August 2007

North Bengkulu team, earthquake, 14-17 September 2007

Cilincing, North Jakarta team, fire, 19-20 October 2007

Karanganyar and Solo, central Java team - landslide and floods, 26-28 December 2007

Kudus-Pati, Central Java team, floods, 29 December 2007-20 January 2008



Bojonegoro, East Java team - floods, 3-18 January 2008

Rawa Buaya (West Jakarta) team, floods, 4 and 6 February 2008

Situbondo, East Java team, 11-14 February 2008

Pati, central Java team, floods, 20-22 February 2008

Bojonegoro, Blora, Tuban, east Java team, floods, 17 March - 17 April 2008

Patiya, Banten team, floods, 2-4 May 2008

Batu Nusakambangan Prison, central Java, medical team, 13 October 2008

Cianjur, west Java team, landslide, 16-17 November 2008

Sidoarjo, east Java team - for Lapindo mud refugee, 24 November - 5 December 2008



Manokwari (Saosapor, Mega, Abun-West Papua) team - earthquake, 5-7 January 2009

Polman, west Sulawesi team, floods, 14-16 January 2009

Sragen team - floods, 2 February 2009

Bojonegoro, east Java team-floods, 3-11 March 2009

Situ Gintung, Tangerang team-landslide, 27 March - 1 April 2009

Pengalengan and Tasikmalaya team - earthquake, 2 September - 1 October 2009

Padang team - earthquake, 30 September 2009 - December 2010



Ciwidey team - landslide-23 February 2010

Tanjung Priok team - conflict, 14 April 2010

Banggai, central Sulawesi team-landslide, 8 May 2010

Wasior, west Papua team-floods, 4-19 October 2010

Mentawai team - tsunami, 27 October 2010 - February 2011

Merapi, Solo, Semarang team - eruption, 26 October 2010- February 2011



Buyat,  north Sulawersi team - locals health check together with the Ministry of Environment, 27 June - 13 July 2011

Padang (Balaiselasa, Air Haji, Kiambang -south coast) team-floods 3-12 November 2011

Legal team - local health check together with the Ministry of the Environment, November 2011

Mesuji advance team - conflict, 26 December 2011 - 1 January 2012



Sampang advance team - for refugees of conflict, 8-10 January 2012

Sampang medical team - refugee, 23 - 30 January 2012

Padang, east Pasaman team - floods, 23-25 February 2012

Sambelia, East Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara medical team - floods, 15-18 March 2012

Padang medical team - floods, 26 July 2012



Jakarta floods medical team - Attahiriyah, Bukit Duri, South Jakarta, 18 January 2013

Jakarta floods medical team - Muara baru, North Jakarta, 21 January 2013

Jakarta flood medical team - Tanah Pasir, Penjaringan, North jakarta, 23 January 2013

Floods advance team - Panyabungan, Mandailing Natal, 17 February 2013

Floods medical team - Manyabar, Pagaran Tonga, Mandailing Natal, 18-19 February 2013

Floods medical team - Tanjung Balai, 1-3 March 2013

Aceh earthquake advance team - Bener Meriah and central Aceh, 4-8 July 2013

Aceh earthquake medical team - Bener Meriah and central Aceh, 6-12 July 2013

Mount Sinabung explotion advance team - North Sumatera, 15 - 16 September 2013

Mount SInabung explotion medical team - North Sumatera, 19-20 September 2013

Mount SInabung explotion medical team - North Sumatera, 26 November 2013


Saturday, December 27th 2008, Gaza was attacked by the Israeli army. Israel launched the deadliest attack on Palestinian territory. Almost every printing and electronic media directly reported many civilian victims as the result of these attacks. During this time, homes, schools, mosques, and even a UN center were all attacked by the Israeli army.

As the result of the 22 day Israeli aggression, a total number of 1366 people died as martyrs, which consisted of 437 children, 110 women and 123 of the elderly (data of the Ministry of Health, Gaza).

After waiting for two weeks on the border, on 17 January 2009 MER-C team succeeded to enter the Gaza strip. On that time Gaza was still under serious attacks.

During the emergency phase, right after the Israeli army launched their missiles and bombs on Gaza, aside of deploying its surgical team in order to help the victims of the aggression, MER-C also distributed the donation form the people of Indonesia in the form of medicines and an ambulance.

In the week during MER-Cs stay in Asy Syifa, Gaza city, MER-C found many victims with heavy trauma injuries, where in some cases these people had to loose parts of their body due the Israeli army bombardment.

MER-C also saw how the available hospitals in Gaza were overwhelmed in treating so many victims of aggression, furthermore those from the northern pat of Gaza, that was located not far from the border with Israel. Being a warzone, Gaza also had one rehabilitation hospital, which was also attacked by the Israeli army.


MER-C Signed an MoU of the construction of Indonesia Hospital with the Palestinian Health Minister in Gaza

Friday, 23 January 2009, after acknowledging the need of a health facility, especially one that focuses on trauma and rehabilitation, as well as due to the sufficient funds donated by the people of Indonesia at that time, MER-C, accompanied by a number of Indonesian journalists paid a visit to the Health Minister of Palestine in Gaza, dr Bassim Naim. That rare occasion was used by MER-C to present the plan to construct Indonesia Hospital on the Gaza strip.

The plan was highly welcomed. So on behalf on the people of Indonesia, represented by dr Joserizal Jurnalis SpOT, and on behalf of the people of Gaza, represented by dr Bassim Naim, an MoU was signed for the construction of Indonesia Hospital in Gaza. The signing of the MoU was witnessed by dr Sarbini Abdul Murad (MER-C Chief Presidium at that time), Drs HM Mursalin (Forum Umat Islam/the Muslimin Front), Ir Hanibal WY Wijayanta (ANTV Journalist), Andi Jauhari (ANTARA Journalist) and some of the Islamic scholars of Gaza.

It is hoped that the existence of Indonesia Hospital could deliver medical assistance to those with physical trauma and rehabilitate them in order for them to have independence and so that they could be active again.


Why is it named Indonesia Hospital?

Firstly, because all the funds come from the people of Indonesia.

Secondly, this hospital is expected to serve as a proof of long-term relationship between the people of Indonesia and the people of Palestine.

Thirdly, with the name and the establishment of the hospital we would like to convey the message that on the land of Palestine there is an asset and donation from the people of Indonesia and the people of Palestine.


The Long Road of Indonesia Hospital Program



2 February 2009: Following the MoU signing, MER-C Team  returned to Indonesia and presented the plan of Indonesia Hospital construction to the Indonesian Health Minister at that time, DR dr Siti Fadilah Supari, Sp. JP(K).



January - May 2009: MER-C appointed its second team to follow up the MoU of Indonesia Hospital. The team stayed in Gaza for four months in order to conduct assessment and coordination with various parties in Gaza. 3 May 2009: MER-C received a piece of benefactory land document for Indonesia Hospital from the Prime Minister of Palestine in Gaza, Ismail Haniya.



May 2010: After one year of no access to enter Gaza, MER-C alongside other activists from many countries participated in Freedom Flotilla Mission, boarding a ship belonging to Turkish NGO IHH, "Mavi Marmara".

31 May 2010, the Israeli attack on Mavi Marmara caused nine activists died and dozens wounded. Those who survived the attack, including MER-C team was put under arrest and imprisoned in Israel. The hope of entering Gaza in order to follow up the construction of Indonesia Hospital was gone.



July 2010: Huge international pressure following the "Mavi Marmara" attack had resulted in the loosening of access to Gaza. In July 2010, MER-C team alongside a number of media could finally enter the Gaza strip.



July 2010: MER-C team, consisting of doctors and engineers explained the design of Indonesia Hospital to the Prime Minister of Palestine in Gaza Ismail Haniyah and the Health Minister of Palestine in Gaza dr Bassim Naim.



August 2010: MER-C Gaza Branch was opened and received formal recognition from local authorities.




8 - 10 August 2010: MER-C team together with the Faculty of Technique, Islamic University of Gaza, conducted soil investigation test to the land designated for the construction of Indonesia Hospital followed by further land survey in order to obtain land contour topography.




9 December 2010 - 6 january 2011: The effort to end the blockade on Gaza continued. In this time the people of Asia joined in "Asian People's Solidarity for Palestine" went on a convoy called "Asian Solidarity Caravan for Gaza" on 2 December 2010-6 January 2011, which was followed by 160 activists from 13 Asian countries.   

Indonesia participated by deploying its delegation, comprising of 11 activists and 2 journalists from MER-C, Voice of Palestine (VOP), Hilal Ahmar Society of Indonesia (HASI) and Aqsa Working Group (AWG). There had been obstacles of permits in order to enter Gaza, and in the end this convoy succeeded to enter Gaza on 2 January 2011. Two MER-C volunteers in Gaza, Abdillah Onim and Ir Nur Ikhwan Abadi joined to welcome the convoy.

As much as 5 volunteers from AWG/Al Fattah Boarding School, later on decided to stay in Gaza in order to help the costruction of Indonesia Hospital in Gaza. This opportunity was also used by 2 HASI volunteers to conduct further survey for a blood bank unit within Indonesia Hospital.



With 5 more volunteers, the total number of Indonesian volunteer on duty in Gaza became 7, namely Abdillah Onim, Ir Nur Ikhwan Abadi, Ir Edy Wahyudi, Ir Ahmad Fauzi, Abdurrahman, Darusman and Muhammad Husein.




February - April 2011: Following the complete land data and the whole design of Indonesia Hospital was approved by the Health Minister of Gaza, then according to the procedure of the Palestinian authority in Gaza, on 2-3 February 2011 MER-C placed a tender advertisement for the first stage of the structure construction of Indonesia Hospital in a local newspaper, Felesteen. As much as five contractors were chosen to take part in the tender.




20 April - 20 May 2011: MER-C Construction team, headed by Eng. Faried Thalib, went to Gaza to decide and contact the winner of the tender. But after one month in Gaza, MER-C team could not obtain the permit to enter Gaza. The process of tender winner was finally done by a teleconference among MER-C team in Egypt, MER-C team in Gaza, and the contractors in Gaza.

28 April 2011, First Company contractor was set as the tender winner for the first stage of the structural construction of Indonesia Hospital.


So the construction of Indonesia Hospital began...


14 May 2011: The structural construction of Indonesia hospital commenced. This stage took 9 months to complete, which was then followed by the architecture and Mechanical Electrical construction.

In this program, MER-C was assisted by Al Fattah Boarding School in Cileungsi in the deployment of volunteers with construction skill.

Meanwhile, Hilal Ahmar Society Indonesia (HASI) would complete the hospital with a blood bank unit.



12 - 24 November 2011: MER-C Construction team, headed by Eng Faried Thalib as the head of MER-C Construction Division went to Gaza to directly supervise the structure construction of Indonesia Hospital. This team also conducted the survey of material availability for the second stage of construction, which is the construction of architecture and mechanical electrical.



28 April 2012: Alhamdulillah, due to the prayers and support from the people of Indonesia, structure construction of Indonesia Hospital, consisting of two floors plus a basement and a middle area was completed.

The next stage of the construction would involve more Indonesian volunteers because this stage would be done completely by volunteers from Indonesia.


2nd stage, Indonesia Hospital Construction.



20 July 2012: MER-C deployed 4 technical volunteers to Gaza, where they joined with 3 other volunteers who were already in Gaza, in order to prepare the arrival of more volunteers and conduct the second stage construction of Indonesia Hospital.



21 October 2012: MER-C deployed its biggest team yet to Gaza, consisting of 30 members. The team was made of 21 technical volunteers, 3 doctors, 3 engineers, and 6 journalists. The technical volunteers stayed back in Gaza to joined the other 7 volunteers, making the total number of volunteers to become 28 members. They were appointed to stay in Gaza until the second stage of Indonesia Hospital construction is completed.




1 November 2012: The second stage of the construction was launched, under the direction of Eng Nur Ikhwan Abadi, This stage was scheduled to be completed in 1,5 years.




14-21 November 2012: On 14 November 2012, an Israeli attack had caused the death of Hamas Military Chief Ahmad Al Jabari. This later led to the increased tension on the Gaza strip. With the increasing attack on the Gaza strip, MER-C volunteers, under the instruction of MER-C HQ in Jakarta, took cover o the hospital basement. During the 8-day attack, Praise be to Allah, all of the volunteers were unharmed and continued the construction of the hospital. The work only stopped on the first day of the attack. The hospital did not face any major impact due to the attack, despite the fact that there were times where bombs and missiles landed not far from the hospital. Only a number of window glass broken due to the bombs shook the window glass.


15 February 2013: MER-C deployed Ir. Edy Wahyudi as an additional engineer to Gaza. This was Edy's second deployment in Gaza. Previously Edy stayed in Gaza for 1,5 years during the first stage of Indonesia hospital construction. Now Edy is back in gaza to help monitor the second stage of Indonesia hospital construction. Three volunteers from al Fattah boarding were also deployed together with eng Edy Wahyudi. Aside of monitoring Indonesia hospital construction, these three volunteers also joined a tahfidzul Quran program (Tajul waqar method) in ma'had tahfidzul quranul Karim was sunnah Gaza.



15 March 2013: Seven Supervisors for Indonesia hospital construction, headed by eng Faried Thalib as the head of Merc construction division were deployed to gaza. The team's agenda was to supervise the second stage of Indonesia hospital construction. Supervision was scheduled to be done in every four months.



23 July 2013: Indonesia hospital which was under construction was visited by pm Ismail Haniya.

Haniya and his companies visited the hospital site to directly meet and enjoyed iftaar together with the entire Indonesia hospital volunteers. This event took place on the basement of Indonesia hospital site



Facts surrounding Indonesia Hospital

Benefactory land: the land of Indonesia Hospital, consisting of 16261 m2 was donated as benefaction from the Palestinian authority in Gaza.

Funds from the people of Indonesia: the funds of Indonesia Hospital was donated only from the donation of the people of Indonesia, which a large part of it comes from those who are not well of, there is no foreign donation as well as from the government of Indonesia.

Done by volunteers: the Indonesia Hospital, starting from the idea, the designing process, including its structure, architecture and mechanical electrical up to the engineer and technical resources who have been involved are volunteers from Indonesia. They delivered their services with no fee, and they do it in order to present their professional jihad.

Biggest, most unique building: The Indonesia Hospital building is the most unique and biggest building on the Gaza strip, where most buildings in this occupied territory come in the shape of square.

Broke records in Gaza: The construction of Indonesia Hospital broke two records of the biggest casting in Gaza, in which the first one was the casting of the second floor of the hospital, consisting of a 483 m2 area. Two months later, on March 2012, casting for the third floor was done, to a 500 m 2 area, which was completed in 8 hours.


What do they say about Indonesia Hospital in Gaza


"I would like to thank the people of Indonesia for their contribution of the hospital which is currently under construction. Oh beloved people of Palestine, do not despair for you have the people of Indonesia behind you"

 - Ismail Haniyah, Prime Minister of Palestine, Gaza.

"I would like to thank the people and the government of Indonesia for all of their help they have given in helping the people of Gaza. Indonesia Hospital would serve as the main hospital in Gaza, and it would also serve as the main center in delivering aids to the people of north Gaza." - dr Mufeed Mukhalat, Health Minister of Palestine in Gaza.

"This location (Bayt Lahiya, north Gaza) is the right location to built a hospital, considering that it is located near to the Israeli settlement, during the war most victims are found on this location. We have seen how beautiful the building of this hospital is in its octagonal shape, it looks as beautiful as the hearts of the people of Indonesia who have, with all their hearts, healped their brothers and sisters in Gaza, Palestine. With our shared efforts, Allh willing this will be a washilah and the cause of the freedom of masjidil Aqsha and he liberty of Palestine." - dr Bassim Naim, Former Minister of Health of Palestine in Gaza.



"The design of this hospital is s beautiful, it would be the most beautiful hospital in Gaza. The design resembles that of the Dome of the Rock." - Jamila Shanti, Minister of Women Affairs of Palestine in Gaza.





"This project is the proof of hard work and great collaboration. This is the result of collaboration, helping one another and involving every element available on the Gaza strip. Indonesia Hospital as a mandate from the people of Indonesia to the people of Palestine would be one of the biggest hopital on the Gaza strip, even in the whole Palestine. Indonesia Hospital would also be the main hospital in north Gaza." - DR Naji Sarhan, Deputy Minister of Public Works of Palestine in Gaza.


Description of Indonesia Hospital

Type: trauma center and rehabilitation

Locatioin: Bayt Lahiya, north Gaza

Land status: benefaction from the government of Gaza

Land size: 16261 m2

Capacity: 100 beds

Floors: two floors and a basement


According to the needs and direct request of the government of Palestine in Gaza in July 2010, the building of Indonesia hospital, which was originally designed to be comprised of two floors, was added with a basement.

Thanks to the support and prayers form the people of Indonesia, the physical construction of Indonesia hospital is scheduled to complete by the end of 2013. The next effort is to complete the hospital with its interiors and health facilities. Knowing the large amount of funds needed, MER-C still believes that the people of Indonesia could realize this mandate.


Donation Account:  

Bank Syariah Mandiri (BSM)

Acc. No. 700.1352.061, Kramat branch

Bank Central Asia (BCA)

Acc. No.686.0153678, Kwitang branch

Bank Negara Indonesia Syariah (BNI Syariah)

Acc. No. 081.119.2973, East Jakarta branch

Under the name of Medical Emergency Rescue Committee


MER-C adalah organisasi sosial kemanusiaan yang bergerak dalam bidang kegawatdaruratan medis dan mempunyai sifat amanah, profesional, netral, mandiri, sukarela, dan mobilitas tinggi.


Jl. Kramat Lontar No. J-157. Senen. Jakarta Pusat - Indonesia.


+62 21 315 9235


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