Galela is an area with a dark history due to the conflict that occurred in 1999-2000. This is why MER-C has chosen Galela to operate its Social clinic program. This program received highly positive respond from the locals, in which a local resident donated his land in the village of Towara, in the hope that MER-C would be able to facilitate the construction of a hospital in this area.


In responding the needs and demand from the people of the area, at this moment MER-C Construction Division, helped by the locals are building Galela Hospital. The construction began in January 2011. The funding of the construction was collected form the donation of the people, as well as donations in the form of building materials by the locals.


Once standing, this Galela Hospital would be the first hospital in Indonesia that was built out of public donation.


The design of MER-C Galela Hospital





18 December 2010:

the placement of the first stone

marking the start of MER-C Galela Hospital construction







People of Galela worked hand-in-hand

to built MER-C Galela Hospital






 Donate to

MER-C Galela Hospital

Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI), Salemba Branch

Acc. No.014.060.0983

under the name of Medical Emergency Rescue Committee


MER-C (Medical Emergency Rescue Committee) is a humanitarian organisation that focuses in the field of medical emergency, carrying the characters of mandatory, professionalism, neutrality, independence, voluntarily and high mobility.


MER-C aims to deliver medical assistances to the victims of wars, conflicts riots, extraordinary events, and natural disasters both in Indonesia and abroad. This organisation was established by a group of medicine students of the University of Indonesia, who initiated to perform medical treatment to help the victims of conflict in Maluku, east Indonesia on August 1999. Members of MER-C are unpaid volunteers. 


MER-C's foundation is Islam and it holds the principal of rahmatan lil alamin (being mercy to the universe). Withthis principal, MER-C aims to deliver mercy, in this case assistances to all mankind, both in person or in group disregard of their background, religion, sect, movement, nationality, ethnicity, class, politics, criminal/not, rebels/not, but regards to deliver its assistance on the base of urgency, which is to help the most vulnerable and the most neglected people.


Based on this foundation, MER-C has launched its missions, among others, to Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Palestine, South Lebanon, Kashmir, Sudan, South Philippines, South Thailand. MER-C has also been actively involved in guarding the health of people who were put in prison due to the accusation of terrorism like Syaikh Abu Bakar Baasyir, Syaikh Abu Jibril, the late commander of GAM Ishak Daud and his late wife, the late Imam Samudra, the late Amrozi, the late Ali Gufron,as well as the Police Commanding General Susno Duaji

The fire of conflict has burned a large part of the eastern area of Indonesia at the beginning of 1999. The cries of the people of Maluku were heard to the entire country, tickling the conscience of the people of Indonesia to help ease their pain.

In April 1999, students of the University of Indonesia within the Medicine Student of the University of Indonesia Team (TMM-UI), went to Ambon. The team, which consisted of a number of doctors and medicine students had conducted varied humanitarian acts, such as medical services to the refugees and making use of a hospital that has stopped operating since the conflict started to treat patients there.

In highlighting the management of conflict victims and refugees during the tragedy of Ambon,TMM-UI believed that there has not been enough neutrality and support to medical personnel in the conflict. Professionalism that should be found in every medical personnel like neutrality was hard to find. The distribution of aid whether in the form of logistics or medical services given to both parties fighting was not fair and well-spread. There were people who received sufficient logistical and medical aids, but there were people who did not receive them. This condition was worsen by the lack of mobility of medical personnel. All the factors above implicated to the far from optimum medical treatment. 

Based on the idea that the treatment of conflict victims and refugees was insufficient, especially in the form of medical services, it was believed that there needs to be an organisation that acts in the area of medical emergency and carries the characters of mandatory, professional, neutral, independent, voluntarily and high mobility. 

Learning from the lesson in Ambon, on 14 August 1999, an organisation called Medical emergency Rescue Committee, MER-C, was born.

Up until now, MER-C has sent over 124 humanitarian mission in Indonesia as well as abroad including 2 missions to Afghanistan, 1 mission to Iraq, 1 mission to Iran (under the Department of Health of Indonesia), 1 mission to Thailand, 2 missions to Kashmir-Pakistan, 1 mission to South Lebanon, 1 mission to Sudan, 1 mission to Somalia, 2 missions to Palestine during the Israeli aggression in Gaza, and 5 missions to Palestine to construct Indonesia Hospital in Gaza.

MER-C, which at first was based solely in Jakarta, has now own branches in a number of areas in Indonesia such as  Semarang,Jogja, Solo, Medan, Padang and Mataram, as well as a branch in Germany and another branch in Gaza. It is our highest wish that the establishment of MER-C branches could better help those who need it most.

Seketariat Pusat MER-C
Jl. Kramat Lontar No. J-157 Senen Jakarta Pusat 10440
Telp/Fax              : (62-21) 3159235
Call Center           : 0811 99 0176
Facebook            : @MER-C Indonesia 
twitter               : @mercindonesia
Instagram           : @mercindonesia
E-mail                 : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Website             :
MER-C Cabang Medan, Sumut
Jl. Setia Budi Komplek Milala Mas No. B 2
Medan - Sumatra Utara 20132
Telp                    : 0811 6400 202 (Sekretariat MER-C Medan)
Facebook            : @Relawan MER-C Medan
Page                  : MER-C Medan
Instagram           : @merc_medan
MER-C Cabang Yogyakarta
Jl. Kaliurang Km. 6,7 Gg. Timor Timur, No. E 4 B, Kel. Sinduadi, Kec. Mlati
Sleman, DIY 55284
Telp                    : 0812 3525 8145 (Sekretariat MER-C Jogja)
Facebook            : @MER-C Jogjakarta
Instagram           : @merc_jogja
Website             :
MER-C Cabang Surakarta
Kompleks Gedung Persaudaraan Haji (IPHI) Kota Surakarta
Jl. Sri Narendro No. 1 Baron Laweyan Solo
Surakarta, Jawa Tengah
Telp                 : 0856 43963287 (dr. Ambar W.)
                        0822 2008 9980 (dr. Galih Indra)
Email             : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
MER-C Cabang Mataram
Jl. Arif Rahman Hakim No. 28 B,
Punia - Mataram
Telp                : 0818 0361 4631 (dr. A D Irma Ramdhani)
                       0896 7411 5662 (dr. L Denuna Ejana)
Email              : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
MER-C Cabang Jerman (MER-C Deutschland e.V.)
Platenstrasse 58, 60431 Frankfurt am Main
Telp               : +49 69 9778 3906 / +49 178 5256 722 (dr. Nahdiyati)
http                : //
Email               : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
MER-C Cabang Gaza, Palestina
Wisma Rakyat Indonesia, Kompleks Rumah Sakit Indonesia
Beit Lahya Al'am St. Talil Za'tar, Jabalia, North Gaza - Palestine
Telp               : +97 2597734 777 (Reza)


Sebagai salah satu upaya untuk meningkatkan derajat kesehatan masyarakat, khususnya di wilayah kumuh, rawan bencana alam dan konflik, bekerja sama dengan PT BNI 46, MER-C melakukan Program Pengadaan Klinik Sosial di seluruh Indonesia program ini sudah berjalan selama 6 tahun dan hingga kini program klinik sosial sudah tersebar di 28 propinsi dari 33 propinsi yang ada di Indonesia. Program ini dimulai dan diresmikan oleh Menteri Kesehatan Republika Indonesia di wilayah Timika - Papua pada tanggal 11 Februari 2006.


Lokasi klinik sosial MER-C dan BNI saat ini berada di:


Payakumbuh, Sumatera Barat

Jambi, Jambi

Palembang, Sumatra Selatan

Bengkulu, Bengkulu

Plumpang, Jakarta Utara

Semarang, Jawa Tengah

Mataram, Nusa Tenggara Barat

Bima, Nusa Tenggara Barat

Kendari, Sulawesi Tenggara

Lembata, Nusa Tenggara Timur

Galela, Halmahera Utara   

Pinrang, Sulawesi Selatan

Wakatobi, Sulawesi Selatan

Manokwari, Papua






MER-C adalah organisasi sosial kemanusiaan yang bergerak dalam bidang kegawatdaruratan medis dan mempunyai sifat amanah, professional, netral, mandiri, sukarela, dan mobilitas tinggi.

MER-C bertujuan memberikan pelayanan medis untuk korban perang kekerasan akibat konflik, kerusuhan, kejadian luar biasa, bencana alam di dalam maupun di luar negeri. Organisasi ini di bentuk pada bulan Agustus 1999, tercatat lebih dari seratus misi kemanusiaan telah dikirim ke berbagai konflik dan bencana alam, baik di dalam maupun di luar negeri.

Berdasarkan pengalaman-pengalaman MER-C di atas, maka MER-C menyelanggarakan program pelatihan medis dengan wadah MER-C Training Center (MTC). MER-C training Center merupakan bagian dari Yayasan MER-C yang bergerak dibidang pelatihan kegawatdaruratan medis dan keahlian medis lainnya.


Jenis - Jenis Pelatihan

Adapun pelatihan yang ditawarkan MER-C Training Center adalah :

  1. Intermediate Life Support (ILS) dengan sertifikasi PPNI pusat, Peserta  40 - 45 orang
  2. Basic Surgical Skill (BSS), Peserta 30 - 60 orang
  3. Diklat Sirkumsisi untuk mahasiswa keperawatan, Peserta 30 - 60 orang
  4. Diklat Sirkumsisi dan Lipoma untuk mahasiswa kedokteran, Peserta 30 - 60 orang
  5. Pelatihan Emergency Dasar untuk masyarakat Umum, Peserta 20 - 40 orang



Sasaran Kegiatan

  1. Mahasiswa  Fakultas Kedokteran
  2. Mahasiswa Akademi keperawatan
  3. Paramedis
  4. Perawat
  5. Masyarakat Umum


SDM MER-C Training Center

Sumber daya manusia MER-C Training Center terdiri dari para relawan medis MER-C.


Instansi yang Pernah Menggunakan jasa MER-C:

  • Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Tarumanegara Jakarta
  • Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Trisakti Jakarta
  • Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Atmajaya Jakarta
  • Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Pelita Harapan Tangerang
  • Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta
  • Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jakarta
  • Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Kristen Krida Wacana Jakarta
  • Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Gajah Mada Yogyakarta
  • Senat Mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas YARSI Jakarta
  • Senat Mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia Jakarta


  • Senat Mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Islam Bandung, Bandung
  • Senat Mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Jendral Achmad Yani, Bandung
  • PPNI Wilayah kota Bogor
  • PPNI Kabupaten Demak
  • Stikes Binawan Jakarta Timur
  • Stikes Bani Saleh Bekasi
  • Stikes Persada Husada Indonesia
  • Akademi Keperawatan Yaspen Jakarta Timur
  • Akademi Keperawatan RSPAD Gatot Soebroto Jakarta
  • Akademi Keperawatan BINA INSAN Jakarta


  • Akademi Keperawatan RS Pasar Rebo Jakarta
  • Akademi Keperawatan RS Persahabatan Jakarta
  • Akademi Keperawatan Depkes Yogyakarta
  • Akademi Keperawatan Raflesia Jakarta Timur
  • Akademi Keperawatan Thamrin Jakarta Timur
  • Akademi Keperawatan PPNI Surakarta
  • Akademi Keperawatan WijayaKusuma, Jakarta
  • Senat Mahasiswa Poltekes Jakarta 1, Jakarta Selatan
  • Senat Mahasiswa Akademi Keperawatan Kimia "17" Jakarta
  • Senat Mahasiswa Akademi Keperawatan Jayakarta Jakarta Timur
  • Senat Mahasiswa Akademi Keperawatan YJK Jakarta
  • Senat Mahasiswa Akademi Keperawatan Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta
  • Senat Mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jakarta dan masih banyak lagi


Contact Person MER-C Training Center:

HP          : 0812 8444 7594

Telp         : 021-3159235

Fax         : 021- 3159256

Email      : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


MER-C adalah organisasi sosial kemanusiaan yang bergerak dalam bidang kegawatdaruratan medis dan mempunyai sifat amanah, profesional, netral, mandiri, sukarela, dan mobilitas tinggi.


Jl. Kramat Lontar No. J-157. Senen. Jakarta Pusat - Indonesia.


+62 21 315 9235


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